Print at super-speed with Ultimaker Cura 4.13

Ultimaker Cura 4.13 has finally arrived and it brings with it increased print speeds, better IT security compliance, seamless material profile synchronization across Ultimaker services, and more. We are also giving our Ultimaker Essentials, Professional, and Excellence users a sneak peek of the upcoming Ultimaker Cura Enterprise 4.13 and its many improvements.

Print up to 3x faster 

We have taken a long hard look at how our community were using our printers and it became clear that a lot of people have been tweaking our standard profiles to increase the speed of their prints. We know that every second can count when it comes to time-sensitive prints so we thought we would save you the hassle. We’ve gone through our print profiles and carefully optimized them to make them faster than ever! 

As a result, you’re now able to print up to 2x faster when using our available standard profiles, and up to 3x faster when printings solids. We accomplished this by: 

  • Releasing a brand-new 0.3 layer height option for both the default and draft profiles. This allows you to print up to twice as fast without switching to a larger print core 

  • Improving how we handle solid prints. This means that parts printed at 100% infill will print up to three times faster – perfect for parts meant for engineering environments 

Cross-platform material profile synchronization 

We offer over 200 material profiles in the Ultimaker Marketplace which means our users can find a material for every occasion. However, by offering all those options it’s even more important that they be easy to manage. Luckily, we’re up to the task! With this latest update, it’s now possible to synchronize your profiles across all your S-line printers with the click of a button! 

Here’s how it works: 

  • Subscribe to a profile from the Ultimaker Marketplace 

  • Open or restart Ultimaker Cura 

  • Click “Sync” and there you have it: the profile is on your printer exactly when it’s needed 

Use any Ultimaker S-line 3D printer (with firmware 7.0.1) and Ultimaker Digital Factory to get started!  

Not to blow our own horn but this was a huge change that required us to get the Ultimaker Marketplace, Ultimaker Cura, the Ultimaker Digital Factory, and Ultimaker firmware all working together perfectly. But now it’s done, the experience of synchronizing your material profiles will be completely seamless.  

An enterprise-level boost

Anyone who is tired of going back-and-forth with IT about software compatibility will be ecstatic to hear that we have upgraded Ultimaker Cura to be more compliant with the strictest IT security policies. After this update, it should now be easier than ever for you to integrate Ultimaker’s online solutions into your organization. 

Additional Improvements 

The following improvements have also been implemented in Ultimaker Cura 4.13: 

  • Thumbnails are now added to 3mf files. This happens automatically when you export your project. Thanks to FieldofView for this contribution! 

  • New printers. Another set of third-party printers have been added to Ultimaker Cura, improving accessibility 


Lots to look forward to in Ultimaker Cura Enterprise 4.13 


Anyone using Ultimaker Essentials, Professional, or Excellence, can look forward to huge improvements with the Ultimaker Cura Enterprise 4.13 update which will be released in the next few weeks. 

This update brings together all the improvements of the regular 4.13 release along with those in the Ultimaker Cura 4.11 and 4.12 releases. 

The most obvious improvement will be a huge increase in visual print quality for both top layers, using the new monotonic order setting, as well as vertical layers due to various optimizations.

A new infill setting has also been added called lightning. Lightning infill changes how internal support structures are generated, resulting in faster prints that use less material. 

The Ultimaker Cura 4.11 release also saw a visual overhaul with over 100 new icons added throughout Ultimaker Cura resulting in a clearer and sleeker interface.

For more details about all these changes and more, check out the 4.11 release article and the 4.12 release article.  

For anyone in our community who does not own an Ultimaker printer, this release is a little more threadbare than our usual offerings. Luckily, we have lots of exciting updates planned for you! And in the meantime, we urge you to try out our Arachne beta. Arachne is the next evolution of our slicing engine and the more feedback we get on it before our final release, the better we can make it! 

For those who want to stick with our stable release, click below to download Ultimaker Cura 4.13.